Rikoooo.com • Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?
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Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 22:55
par Corentin372

Je voudrais savoir comment installer le Weapons Pack de FSX dispo sur simviation.
J'ai eu beau regarder le ReadMe...mais je n'y comprends rien.


Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 22:57
par jean claude
Fait nous un copier/coller du readme peut-etre?

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 22:58
par Corentin372
Ok mais c'est en anglais :

______________________________________________________________Welcome to the weapons pack for FSX!___________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________Created and modified by Chris Sykes!___________________________________________________________

This weapons pack is divided into two sections, the US weapons pack and the British Pack, overall the packs are designed to be a basic but fun add on to FSX, enabling you to drop bombs and shoot missiles! Yes I did say shoot missiles! The US weapons pack has an extensive collection of weapons created in FSDS, a staggering 68 individual weapons with different variants too! A big thank you and most of the credits goes to Kotaro Akikawa, who uploaded his FSDS model source weapons pack at simviation.com. The British weapons pack is a collection of weapons, generously given from David Brice, made in GMAX and uses an attached effect!

________________________________________________________________COPYRIGHT INFORMATION________________________________________________________________________

This pack and contents should not harm either your flight simulator or computer, but I take no responsibility if either of which are harmed! This pack and contents are copyrighted to myself, with the FSDS source files being copyrighted to Kotaro Akikawa and the GMAX source files copyrighted by David Brice.

Restrictions of use are as follows;

All files included in this pack may not be used for any projects whether freeware, shareware or payware with out prior permission by myself.
Personal use is fully permitted, however if used for flights/missions to be uploaded to any website, the pack or parts of, must not be uploaded with/inside the mission/flight pack, however a link/address should be included with the documentation pointing the user to the website where this weapons pack can be download from.
This weapons pack may not be uploaded to ANY site with out express permission by myself.

Comments, questions and support can be gained through "[email protected]"

________________________________________________________________IMPORTANT INFORMATION________________________________________________________________________

Before I go any further I shall explain what the US weapons pack can and cant do! All bombs, whether dumb or guided (With exceptions listed below), explode upon impact with the effect file included. However the missiles and glide bombs do no explode upon impact! Please take note of this, as they are classed under a different object to the bombs, which denies impact effects.

Cluster bombs use a different effect therefore they do not look like the cluster bomb explosions.

The Incendiary bombs use a fire explosion but look too small for a normal incendiary explosion.

Missiles + Glide Bombs, both Air to Ground/Air have forward motion, which may at some points in your flying may give adverse display of both position of the object but also forward motion. You may at times see the objects running along the surface of the ground/sea, also at various bank and pitch angles the objects may drop/release from strange points and also move forward at strange angles, this is something out of my control and is due to the flight simulator. Another point with the missiles is that they do not have rocket effects and smoke trail effects; this is due to them being exported using FSDS.

The British weapons pack is a bit more enhanced, with missiles having attached contrail effect to look like rocket trail but this only lasts for a short time.

Lastly the biggest limitation of Flight Simulator is that you can only have one object to drop at one time.


To install the weapons into FSX, you need to follow these instructions carefully!

1, extract the "Effects" folder to your main FSX folder, select over write, there should not be anything overwritten however you can extract to somewhere else and install manually.

2, Open the folder "US Weapons Pack" and extract the folder "SimObjects" to you main FSX folder, again there should not be anything overwritten, repeat actions for the folder "British Weapons Pack".

3, this is the hard part of the weapons installation! You need to create a saved flight with an aircraft that you wish to drop weapons from, when you have done this you will need to add two lines to the saved flight, these are located in the folder "My DocumentsFlight Simulator X Files", open the saved flight using notepad, the name should just be something like "flight", do not try to open any of the other files, such as the flight.wx, flight.fssave. You will need to add these two lines to the saved flight;

ObjectSet.0=**********, ^^^^^^^^^^^^

Now add the weapon of your choice (copy the weapons name and past over the *'s), from the list below and the number of available weapons to drop (any number you wish, write over the ^'s). Once you have done this you save the saved flight and exit notepad, now go load that flight up in FSX and go drop bombs or fire missiles using the key press "shift + D"

Please note! It is critically important that you use the names below exactly as they point to the individual objects!

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 23:01
par jean claude
Justement ,demain matin je te traduis a peu pres ça ;)

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 23:02
par Corentin372
Ok merci beaucoup

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 23:03
par jean claude
De rien...

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 08 janv. 2010, 23:14
par Alexandro
Salut !!!
Eh bien, je pense que tu veux parler du fameux Weapon Pack FSX !
D'après la lecture du Readme (oui oui, tu l'a lu mais c'est mieux de reprendre toutes les intructions ;)
Tu dois:

-extraire le contenu des dossiers British weapon pack et Us weapon pack dans les dossier "Misc" et les effets dans le dossier "Effects";

-créer un nouveau vol avec un avion de chasse ou bonbardier de ton choix et enregistrer ton vol ($ par défaut);

-ensuite tu dois aller dans le dossier Mes Documents et dans "fichiers Flight simulator X": tu trouvera un fichier .flt au nom de ton vol enregistré. ouvre le fichier .flt avec le Bloc note (comme pour un .cfg);

-enfin, d'après le readme, tu devra entrer ces lignes:
ObjectSet.0=**********, ^^^^^^^^^^^^

en remplaçant les étoiles par le nom de ton arme à prendre et les accents circonflexes par le nombre de ton arme:
ObjectSet.0=GBU-12, 4

Voilà! :D !
N'oublie pas de mettre un espace entre la virgule et le nombre! Et n'oublie pas non plus que le vol enregistré ne pourra pas apparaître comme vol par défaut.

Amuse toi bien :)

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 09 janv. 2010, 12:18
par Corentin372
Super merci beaucoup @Alexandro!! Cela veut aussi dire que le n'ont peut pas l'utiliser en Multi?

Re:Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 09 janv. 2010, 12:21
par felixfsx
salur je crois que non car je l'ai et avec un gars on a voulu essayé mais on était pas armé comme en vol libre :( :(

Re: Comment installer le Weapons Pack pour FSX ?

Posté : 12 juin 2011, 20:05
par juju99
moi jaiseye de telecharger des avion,helico,diver et modification comme weapon pack sur daute site que rikoooo mais sa marque telecharger le dossier ou ouvrir le dossier quoi faire car sa fait un document pressé a cahque fois que je fais un des deux AIDEZ MOI SVP!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!!! :( :side: