Rikoooo.com • EZ-Scenery
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Posté : 26 mars 2011, 10:47
par aladin07
Bonjour a tous,

Je viens d'acheter EZ-Scenery (ad don permettant de rajouter bâtiments,vehicules,panneau,ponts...) mais voila quand je veux rajouter une voiture sur une route, je clique sur "add" et il m'affiche un message d'erreur: "Unknow scenery file format you can only add objects to scenery files saved with EZ-Scenery". Une personne pourait m'aider?!:(

Re: EZ-Scenery

Posté : 26 mars 2011, 15:31
par Invité

Sur leur FAQ, ils donnent la réponse, mais en anglais. Donc si quelqu'un peut te la traduire, tu auras la solution (moi je suis un peu trop pauvre pour être sûr de bien traduire)
Answer: Let's start with a short discussion about the two main types of scenery files that EZ-Scenery works with and then the solution will become clear.

EZ-Scenery deal with two types of files: Library Files and Placement Files. Although both are scenery files, they are handled differently by Flight Simulator.

Library files are scenery files that contain one or more 3D objects. A library contains the drawing information for the objects, but contains NO information on where to place that object in the Flight Sim. Flight Simulator has several Library files e.g. VEHICLES.bgl, GENERIC.bgl and LANDMARK.bgl. EZ-Scenery also is delivered with several Library files e.g. AB_MISC.bgl, AB_VEHICLES.bgl and AB_SIGNS.bgl.

Using a Placement File, one or more objects in a library file can be made to appear anywhere in Flight Simulator.

NOTE: Flight Simulator also has some "protected" libraries e.g. CHICAGO.BGL. The objects in protected libraries may only be positioned in restricted geographic locations e.g. the Chicago region.

To create a Placement File, EZ-Scenery refers to one or more Library Files. The Placement File telsl Flight Simulator to draw a specific 3D object xxxxxxxx from the Library file yyyyyyyy.bgl at the geographic location N/S ##* ##.#### E/W ###* ##.####.

When you click the Add button, EZ-Scenery saves information about the object and its geographic location in a placement bgl file - either a new one or an existing one. The default filename for the placement file is ez-scenery.bgl and if it exists it adds the object to it; if it doesn't exist, it will create the file.

The message "Unknown File Format" will have a different name - perhaps one of the Library files. Click NO on the message that asks "Do you want to add this object to the file ???.bgl". After clicking NO, type a new filename - any filename that is different from the files that are in the current folder, e.g. BOB.BGL

After it's saved, restart Flight Simulator and the object will appear. Now use EZ-Scenery to add another object. The message will now appear as "do you want to add this object to BOB.BGL?" If you reply YES, EZ-Scenery will append the new object to the file. Now BOB.BGL will have the placement information for two objects instead of just one. Restart Flight Simulator and you'll see that both objects are there.

If you move to another geographic area, say across the country and place an object, you will want to use a new filename. You don't want to spread out the placement of objects in a single file too far apart. To create a new file, select the library, select the model, position it and click the Add button. When asked if you want to add it to BOB.BGL, choose NO. Type a new filename e.g. JOE.BGL.

If you later decide to go back to add more objects to BOB.BGL, click the Open Scenery button and select BOB.BGL. Now when you select an object and click Add, you'll be asked if you want to add it to BOB.BGL again.
:woohoo: Bon courage ! :laugh: :laugh:


Re: EZ-Scenery

Posté : 27 mars 2011, 06:12
par aladin07
Merci, pour la traduction je ferrais avec mes connaissances et pour le reste google traduction!:laugh:

Re: EZ-Scenery

Posté : 28 mars 2011, 10:21
par aladin07
Voila jai essayer mai un autre probleme fait son aparition: j'ai ajouter des batiments sur une scene(Monastir 2005) mais quand je reviens ur fs2004 rien aparait.Alors que quand je rajoute des batiment hors de la zone aerportuaire la il aparaissent! Comment faire pour que les batiment aparaissent sur l'aeroport?

Re: EZ-Scenery

Posté : 31 mars 2011, 15:46
par aladin07
J'ai trouvé!!!! Enfette il faut prendre le fichier .bgl quand a enregistrer de ez-scenery (par exemple pour moi "ez-monastir) et le mettre dans les AFCAD de la scene ou dans le scenery de la scene!:P :cheer:

Re: EZ-Scenery

Posté : 31 mars 2011, 15:49
par loulou63
salut aladin attention au double voir triple post au lieu de poster plusierus message à la suite pense à utiliser la touche éditer qui te permet de modifier ton message au lieu de polleur le topic