My Jumbo subscription is activated, but my download speed is still limited
- First, check that the statut « Jumbo OK » is placed in the top right side of the website like below :
If you see « - Statut : No Jumbo », that means your Jumbo subscription isn’t activated. Try to reconnect to your account, using the « Log out » button. It should activate your Jumbo subscription.
- If you see statut « Jumbo OK », but your download speed isn’t higher than 220ko/s, then check that your bandwidth isn’t slowed by other programs trying to download in the same time.
- After activation of your Jumbo please make sure to restart your downloads already in progress, Jumbo URLs will change.
- You should also check that your Internet connexion allows you to do high-speed downloads. It can be necessary to do a test with another computer and another Internet connexion to check that the problem does not come from your computer.
- In order to boost you download speed to the maximum, we advise you to download and install FlashGet, which is a free program allowing you to multiply your download speed up to 10 times. You can find it here : http://www.flashget.com
on dimanche août 09