How are logic games useful?

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How are logic games useful?

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The gameplay makes any task more interesting and exciting for the child. During the game, he thinks and chooses the necessary solutions. Logic games help the baby develop memory and imagination, be diligent and more attentive. Such a game should not tire him and should be selected in accordance with his age.

The main logic games for children are:

Math games
Puzzles with matches
Parents make figures out of matches and ask the child to rearrange several matches so that the shape of the figure does not change. Trick riddles are composed in poetic form; they make you think and look for the right answer.

Chess problems help your child learn the correct moves of the main pieces and the rules of the game. Mathematical logic games are presented in the form of crossword puzzles with colorful pictures. Their task is to teach the child mathematical calculations in a playful way. Puzzles are very popular among children.

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