Comco Ikarus C42 Red-Cross for FS2004
This version is for FS2004, to download the compatible version with FSX or P3D click here
Thanks to Joel Soler, managing director of the Arc-en-Ciel operation and his passion of flight, the French Red-Cross offer to disabled children and adults the chance to discover the joy of flying aboard an Icarus C-42 Ultra-Light.
Arc-en-Ciel’s goal is to enhance the potential of every person. It is largely shown by its hard-working team: 70% of Arc-en-Ciel’s pilots are in a situation of handicap (deafness, paraplegia..)
It is with enthusiasm that we gladly announce Rikoooo’s ( partnership with Arc-en-Ciel!
Mr. Erik Bender, creator of the well-known “Rikoooo” website for aviation and flight simulation lovers, and Mr. Thomas Guiart voluntarily accepted our request and created an exact repaint of C42 Ikarus, decorated with the Red-Cross’ signature colours. Also thank to Mr. Byron WARWICK for the 3D model.
Thanks to the free downloading offered on the website, anyone can now use the one and only Red-Cross’ Ikarus to have a unique online experience of aviation with Flight Simulator 2004 and Flight Simulator X® (by Microsoft® and Prepar3D v1 and v2® by Lockheed Martin®).
Through this partnership the French Red Cross wishes to diffuse its commitment towards disabled persons, to attract people towards Arc-En-Ciel’s cause; and finally to find sponsors capable to energize the operation.
For the Red-Cross’ 150th anniversary, Rikoooo and Arc-en-Ciel’s team offer you to come all aboard and continue the organization’s involvement in Aviation and its history. Exactly a hundred years ago, Red-Cross’ help was given to the combatants in WW1 thanks to its devotion to flight.
Red-Cross "Opération Arc en Ciel" in Partership with Rikoooo
Useful link : Page Facebook Opération Arc en Ciel
Click on an image to enlarge
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Ladd-on : Pack complet avec cockpit virtuel, gauges et sons personnalisés
- Rating
Size 8.34 MB
Downloads 5 871
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Auto-install Installer version 2
Comco Ikarus C42 Croix-Rouge is compatible with FS2004 only
Author : Byron Warwick, repaint and repack by