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Antonov 72-74 package for FSX and P3D

fsx 2016-01-22 15-23-45-21
fsx 2016-01-22 15-24-18-692
fsx 2016-01-22 15-25-11-223
fsx 2016-01-22 15-25-40-944

An addon that does not pretend to be graphically extreme quality, but at least is very rare in Freeware, especially that it is complete (custom sounds, 2D panel, virtual cockpit). Included with 4 repaints.

Originally intended to replace the Antonov An-26, studies concerning the development of the An-72 began in the 1970s Two prototypes were built. The first first flew on December 22 1977. The second plane was presented at Paris Air Show 1979.

In November and December 1983, three Soviet pilots operative in pairs established 17 new official records in the field of vertical speed with load on board an An-72.

In late 1995, more than 160 An-72 and An-74 had been delivered, most troops. (Wikipedia)
  • Rating
    (12 votes)
  • Size 30.2 MB

  • Downloads 12 632

  • License Freeware external

  • VC3D Virtual Cockpit

  • FormatPort-Over - Not compatible P3Dv4+

  • Auto-install Installer version 10

  • Antonov 72-74 package is compatible with Prepar3D v1 and FSX-Steam as well as FSX (all versions)

  • Author : Model by Dimitri Samborski, enhanced VC by Michael Pook, repaints by Stephen Browning

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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