FSND McDonell-Douglas MD-83 FSX
The first MD 8X on rikoooo native for FSX, a true marvel to be tested quickly. A careful and detailed work, flight dynamic close to real.
Features: 2D Cockpit. Virtual Cockpit. Working APU System. Working Flight Management Computer*."FMC" Bendix King/Honeywell General Aviation FMC/GPS by Garrett Smith. Full animations including exit doors. FSX terminal gate compatibility. Wing flex ...and many more realistic additions!
Thank you to Alejandro Rojas Lucena (FSND) for permission to put this file on rikoooo in auto-install.
The McDonnell Douglas MD-80 is a U.S. airliner which was produced by the aircraft manufacturer McDonnell Douglas. This then developed and marketed a change, the MD-90. After buying McDonnell Douglas in 1997, Boeing is changing the unit, as the Boeing 717.
- Rating
Size 38.6 MB
Downloads 62 063
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Auto-install Installer version 2
FSND McDonell-Douglas MD-83 FSX is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX (all versions)
Author : Alejandro Rojas Lucena (FSND)