Ants De Havilland Tiger Moth DH-82A v1.1 FSX
Version 1.1. The Tiger Moth for FSX is one of the best add-on freeware that can be found on the Internet.
This is a modern representation of Australian models that we can find today, so it includes some additional features that are not on the original of the old time.
The de Havilland DH82 Tiger Moth was a biplane of the 1930s designed by de Havilland and used among others by the Royal Air Force aircraft as school start and drive. He remained in service with the RAF until 1952, when many of them were used in civil aviation.

Little reminder
To move the camera to the left: ctrl + shift + back space.
To move the camera to the right: ctrl + shift +
It is very important to read the manual included in the main folder of the add-on, or from the Start menu then rikoooo add-ons.
- Rating
Size 53.6 MB
Downloads 20 534
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Ants De Havilland Tiger Moth DH-82A v1.1 FSX is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX (all versions)
Author : Anthony Lynch