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Morane Saulnier MS-760 Paris Jet FSX SP2


Attention only for FSX-SP2 or Acceleration.
Complete model with custom gauges and a virtual cockpit of quality. includes three repaints.
The Morane-Saulnier MS-760 Paris is a French jet trainer and liaison aircraft built by Morane-Saulnier. Based on the earlier two-seat trainer, the MS-755 Fleuret, the Paris was used by the French military between 1959 and 1997. In 1955, a short-lived venture with Beech Aircraft to market the Paris as an Executive Business Jet in the US market was soon eclipsed by Learjet’s Model 23.
  • Rating
    (46 votes)
  • Size 9.11 MB

  • Downloads 17 252

  • License Freeware external

  • VC3D Virtual Cockpit

  • Format Native FSX / P3D format

  • Morane Saulnier MS-760 Paris Jet FSX SP2 is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX-Acceleration as well as FSX-SP2

  • Author : Tim Piglet Conrad - Piglets Peculiar Planes

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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