Soko J-20 Kraguj FSX-SP2
For the FS2004 compatible version click here
Light COIN Aircraft developed by SOKO during 1960's. While cheap and easy to operate and maintain, jet were deemed to be far more useful, and production stopped after about 50 planes. Several Kraguj's (Swallow) have made their way to the civil register in recent years.
Beautiful virtual cockpit, model is native FSX Acceleration
Three repaints : Yugoslav Air ForceYugoslav Air Force, Civil "Flying Tiger AVG Warbird" Scheme US Civil Register, Croatian Armed Forces, Captured form Yugo Forces, USAAF Warbird" Scheme, US Civil Register.
- Rating
Size 4.70 MB
Downloads 7 215
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Soko J-20 Kraguj FSX-SP2 is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX-Acceleration as well as FSX-SP2
Author : Tim Piglet Conrad - Piglet's Peculiar Planes