C.R.D.A. Cant.Z.1007bis Alcione V.01 for FSX and P3D & FS9
The CANT Z.1007 Alcione (Kingfisher) was a three-engined medium bomber, with wooden structure. Designed by ingegner Filippo Zappata, who also designed the CANT Z.506 it had "excellent flying characteristics and good stability" and was regarded by some as "the best Italian bomber of World War II" although its wooden structure was easily damaged by the climate, like those experienced in North Africa and in Russia. It was used by the Italian Regia Aeronautica, Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana and Luftwaffe during World War II.
Complete package that will please many fans of models from the Second World War. Add-on for FS2004 and FSX/P3Dv1v2+

CANT Z.1007 bis, Sicily, 1941
Image Wikipedia
- Rating
Size 19.6 MB
Downloads 6 938
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
FormatPort-Over - Not compatible P3Dv4+
Auto-install Installer version 2
C.R.D.A. Cant.Z.1007bis Alcione V.01 is compatible with Prepar3D v1 and FSX-Steam and FSX (all versions) as well as FS2004
Author : Manuele Villa / MVG3D