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Bell-Boeing MV-22B Osprey FSX-A & P3D

fsx 2017-10-27 03-44-52-70
fsx 2017-10-27 03-41-20-872
fsx 2017-10-27 03-42-32-603

We are pleased to introduce the freeware MV-22B Osprey for FSX-Acceleration and P3D (compatible P3D v4) created by Maryadi and uploaded on Rikoooo with his kind permission.

This add-on is graphically high quality and complex enough to be called a real simulation.

Official information can be found here:

Author's note: Rikoooo is solely responsible for the automatic installation.

It is very important to read the manual but some videos can also help you to take control of this complex machine.

The autopilot is only available when the nacelle is at 0 degrees, use the default "aileron trim" buttons Ctrl + 4 and 6 to rotate the nacelle to 0. If Ctrl + 4 and 6 don't work try to attribute other controls, for example Ctrl + - and Ctrl + + will work.

Known bugs
When loading a flight, if the rotors do not move, check that the overhead levers are in the "Fly" position as in the picture below.
bug rotors

If your simulator crash on startup (CTD) make sure to start FSX / P3D in Administrator mode, in fact, the Osprey needs permissions to write and read in a file.

Video presentation

Our little toy is getting ready to go in his drawer

Small manual in video (English with subtitles)

Various screenshots from and
167maxresdefaultScreenShot03 10 17at06.56PMScreenShot03 10 17at06.58PMUntitled 3Untitled 4vc nflood1
  • Version2.0

  • Rating
    (69 votes)
  • Size 198 MB

  • Downloads 46 719

  • License Donationware

  • VC3D Virtual Cockpit

  • Format Native FSX / P3D format

  • Auto-install Installer version 10.5

  • Bell-Boeing MV-22B Osprey FSX-A & P3D is compatible with Prepar3D v1 up to Prepar3D v5 and FSX-Steam and FSX-Acceleration as well as FSX-SP2

  • Author : Maryadi + Rob Barendregt + Letourn (artist of the extra repaints)

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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