Dassault Mirage III B Last Flight FSX-A
For the FS2004 compatible variant click here
This is a completely reworked model with a lot of new features and animations: fully reworked textures, different canopy positions, ejection process, wheel blocks and ground animations, enhanced virtual cockpit with new gauges and animated lights, etc.
The Mirage III is the emblematic French Fighter of the sixties. This new package contains 2 different Mirage III B (two seat trainer): special last flight version in 3 different configurations and standard silver scheme. This package is complete and stand-alone.
The models have full moving parts and animations (control surfaces, gears, spoilers, canopy, dragchute, rocket cover, pilot ladders, guns, wheel blocks, etc.) + a new complete virtual cockpit + a custom 2D panel.
- Rating
Size 12.0 MB
Downloads 27 159
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
FormatPort-Over - Not compatible P3Dv4+
Dassault Mirage III B Last Flight FSX-A is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX-Acceleration as well as FSX-SP2
Author : Patrice Grange