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Los Angel Aera Photoreal for FSX and P3D


Mega photo-real scenery of Los Angeles and its surroundings, resolution 1m / pixel + elevation mesh 10m, also place the airports in the area in the right position. Altogether the scenery weighs more than 3.40 GB, thus it was impossible to package the scenery into one file, so it was divided into five parts that you need to download separately.

 Important instructions and download information 

This download is very heavy 3.41 GB if you are not a Jumbo member expect to wait many hours of download time.. This scenery was divided into 5 parts, after the download unzip everything into a folder and click on los_angel_aera_photoreal.exe to start the automatic installation.

Area and airports covered by the scenery :

zone los angeles

AZ North2West9 1AZ North2West9 2AZ North2West9 3AZ NorthWest8 3AZ NorthWest9 1AZ SouthWest7 2AZ West7 1
  • Rating
    (18 votes)
  • Size 3.41 GB

  • Downloads 21 219

  • License Freeware external

  • Auto-install Installer Scenery v11

  • Los Angeles Aera Photoreal is compatible with Prepar3D v1 up to Prepar3D v5 and FSX-Steam as well as FSX (all versions)

  • Author : Blue Sky Scenery

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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