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Official Theme Rikoooo - Windows 7


So this is a theme for Windows Seven containing 25 relatively large screens up to 1080p resolution for very large screens. Among these 25 screens, there is everything from screens with several types of aircraft that we see in the clouds without sets, others taking off, others with Cessna, others stationed (see pictures).

Here are the Rikoooo members who participated : Pilotepro93, Freak, Kévinou12, Jejetoulouse, Harmony Heaven, Ebelfiore, Romdu69, Airbus47, Max17, Conlins, Zoombinis, Yeah, Vicksvaporubs1, Bliblobla, Internauttimbré, Shtroumf, Absolam, Vieillehelice, Loulou63, Hamdi, Kenobi, Michel80, Roms84, Airbus.
  • Rating
    (14 votes)
  • Size 8.72 MB

  • Downloads 5 189

  • License Freeware external

  • Thème Rikoooo Officiel - Windows 7 is compatible with Laminar Research X-Plane 9.50+

  • Author : Pilotepro93

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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