Erbil International Airport "ORER" 2021 for FSX and P3D
This airport located in Iraq did not exist in FSX / P3D, but today it is available on FSX / P3D only in this exclusive package. Includes a photo-real scenery + Airport design + Correct location + vehicles on the ground + environment + Buildings + lights, etc. By the author: PRO Simulation - Maher Souriti © 2020.
Erbil International Airport (ICAO: ORER) is the main airport in the city of Erbil in the Kurdistan region, Iraq. The airport has one of the longest runways in the world (4800 m).
* Copyright notice *
" This Package is not allowed to be modified or published on websites other than Rikoooo without the written consent of the author. PRO Simulation © 2020" Maher Souriti "
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- Rating
Size 596 MB
Downloads 2 965
License Freeware
Auto-install Installer Scenery v11
Erbil International Airport "ORER" 2021 is compatible with Prepar3D v1 up to Prepar3D v5 and FSX-Steam and FSX-Acceleration as well as FSX-SP2
Author : PRO Simulation © 2020. For Video games Addons. Developer & Designer by : MAHER SOURITI E.mail: pro4sim at