In 334 b. JC, the Macedonians started their conquering journey toward East, and returned back West 8 years later.
Let's think about those men, facing the mountains of Tajikistan, much more higher than any others they had previously seen ; discovering animal species such as monkeys so similar to them, and how terrifying should have been the fighting elephants they suddenly met.
When they reached Amritsar in India, they were 2537,79 nm away from their capital, Pella.
Each leg is composed of :
1st : The antique name of cities in italics, some of them set up by Alexander, King of Macedonia.
2nd : The nearest airport, as possible, in Flight Simulator.
Taking into account the high mountains, a single or twin engine airplane with a service ceiling of 20 000 ft is necessary.
GPS recommended
For further information and comments, you can join me via the List of Members (michel95).
334 b. JC
Greece (Macedonia)
Pella : Alexandria Army LGAX / 183 mn
Ilion (Troie) : Canakkale AB LTBH / 103 mn / Sardis : Akhisar AB LTBT / 57 mn / Ephesos : Selcuk - Efes LTFB / 51 mn / Halicarnassos : Imsik LTBV / 150 mn
333 b. JC
Side : Antalya LTAI / 155 mn / Gordion : Sivrihisar AB LTAV / 86 mn / Ancyra : Esenboga LTAC / 216 mn / Tarsos : Adana LTAF / 48 mn / Alexandria : Iskenderun LTAK / 139 mn
Byblos : Wujah Al Hajar Z19O / 93 mn
Tyre : Haïfa LLHA / 102 mn
332 b. JC
Palestine (Gaza territory)
Gaza : Gaza Intl LVGZ / 174 mn
Memphis : Embaba HEEM / 92 mn / Alexandria : Alexandria Intl HEAX / 240 mn / Paraetonion : AS Sallum HE0J / 128 mn / Ammon Oracle : Siwa Oasis North HE0O / 300 mn / Memphis : Embaba HEEM / 337 mn
331 b. JC
Damascus : Damascus Intl OSDI / 173 mn / Niaephorion : Tabqa OS0C / 149 mn / Nisibis : Kamishly OSKL / 179 mn
Arbela : Kirkuk OR0D / 132 mn / Opis : Rasheed OR0G / 22 mn / Babylon : Al Iskandariyah New OR0P / 249 mn
Susa : Ahwaz OIAW / 226 mn
330 b. JC
Persepolis : Shahid Dastghaib Intl OISS / 14 mn / Pasargadae : Zargan PISO / 185 mn / Aspardana : Shahid Behesti OIFM / 217 mn / Ecbatana : Hamadanan AB OIHS / 133 mn / Rhagae : Mehrabad Intl OIII / 166 mn / Zadracarta : Gorgan OING / 256 mn / Susia : Shahid Hashemi Nejad Intl OIMM / 175 mn
Alexandria in Aria : Herat OAHR / 113mn / Prophtasia : Farah OAFR / 197 mn / Alexandria in Arachosia : Kandahar OAKN / 250 mn
329 b. JC
Kabul : Kabul OAKB / 23 mn / Alexandria in Caucasos : Bagram OAIX / 105 mn / Drapsaca : Kunduz OAUZ / 81 mn / Bactra : Mazar OAMS / 180 mn
Nautaca : Samarkand UTSS / 128mn
Alexandria in Eschate : Khudzand UTDL / 188 mn
328 b. JC
Alexandria on the Oxos : Khojagar OAKG / 151 mn / Kabul : Kabul OAKB / 172 mn
327 b. JC
Taxila : Taebela Dam OPTA / 83 mn / Buchephala-Nicaea : Gurha Salim OP0S / 93 mn
326 b. JC
Alexandria on the Hyphasis : Amritsar VIAR / 196 mn
Multan : Multan OPMT / 243 mn / Pattaia : Moenjodaro OPMJ / 227 mn / Rhambacia : Ormara OPOR / 239 mn
Pura : Iran Shahr OIZI / 232 mn
325 b. JC
Hannozia : Bandar Abbass Intl OIKB / 145 mn / Alexandria in Carmania : Sirjan OIKY / 160 mn
324 b. JC
Persepolis : Shahid Dastghaib Intl OISS / 232 mn / Alexandria in Susiana : Abadan OIAA / 64 mn / Susa : Ahwaz OIAW / 248 mn
Babylon : Al Iskandariyah New OR0P
Death of Alexander the Great in Babylon in 323 b. JC
Copyright Michel Lagneau 2008