Download Gliders for FSX and P3D
Download Gliders for FSX and P3D
Microleve ML-400 compatible FS2004 and FSX / P3Dv1 is an ultra light aircraft produced in Mexico by Microleve in Rio de Janeiro. This aircraft is usually purchased as a kit
A two seat glider for training and performance between 1952 and 1960.
A two seat glider for performance
A one seat glider for performance since 1977, included three models
A Standard Class glider, flew first in 1973
A one seat glider for high performance. The first flight was in 1974.
Doppelraab Glider for FSX A two seat glider for training beginners.
ASK21 Glider Version 7b for FSX, Front & Rear version A two seat glider for training
Sports a high resolution fully operable virtual cockpit, possibly the first ever choke simulation in FS as well as some seemingly familiar instruments with rather unusual modes of operation