23/10/2021 - Version 8.0.3 SU6
Package recompiled with SDK from "Sim Update 6"
26/08/2021 - Version 8.0.2 SU5
- Built with SDK 0.14.0 Sim Update 5
- Train station people adjusted to Platform Level
- A few models needed redoing due to texture issues
I'm aware of the satellite inner column pink texture. I'm waiting to see if any other models have pink texture issues before correcting.
Awaiting team EGKK's Responses
26/04/2021 - Version 8.0.2
- Package refresh with SDK 0.12.0
18/02/2021 - Version 8.0.1
- Built and packaged using the latest UK world update SDK 0.10.0
- Building Removed from Taxiway Juliet near stand 27
31/01/2021 - Version 8.0
- EGKK Fire Training Aircraft
- BA Hanger
- Pier 1 4K Bricks update
- South Terminal adjustments and Textures
- Airbridge Less dark textures and glass
- Inside Gate number corrected Pier 6
06/01/2021 - Version 7.9.4
Center Line T bar end terminations on every pier stand
Gate 101 shifted and new centerline in place
Polygon Concrete Blocks Generator 4K Textures for Pier 2 and air bridge supports. (more additions later)
More work on North Terminal added details and re levelling building heights using Google Earth's NEW telemetry data as a visual reference aid
Version 7.9.3
All Jetty Stands safe docks and stop markers for A320/747/787
Version 7.9.2
Test Introduction of Stop Markings on
Stand 23 is calibrated with its own safe dock
13-21 are not yet calibrated and checked but with a bit of luck they will match with the safe dock stop
This is particularly useful for the Dreamliner where visibility of the safe dock disappears near the stop point due to H.U.D and low windows. In VR, you can duck to see the safe dock but in normal 2D you can now finish the taxi on stand in external view and capture the stop marker
Version 7.9.1
Fixed Green Flickering Taxiway Lights
Fixed aliasing Blast Barriers at end of Kilo
Fixed Taxiway crossing light illumination, now one way
Added Welcome Metalwork structure to North Terminal Roundabout
Package built after today's VR Sim Update
Version 7.9
81 Safe docks Now Calibrated
KA Taxiway sign put in correct place
Air bridge glass corrected in one area
Version 7.8
VR and Precision stand Guidance at the Gatwick Mod. V7.8 is here
Airbus or smaller stands 140-145
Pier 6
Airbus or smaller 104,105,106,107,109,112,113,101
747 or smaller 102
Pier 2
Airbus or smaller 10,11,12,13L/R,14,16,18,20,22,24,28
747 or smaller 13M,15,17,19,21,23,27
Dreamliners may be a bit tail out on 13M,15,17,19,21,23. But 747 are as snug as a bug in a rug
stand 25,27 747 ASABIR (as snug as a bug in a rug)
Pier 5
Airbus or smaller 48L,49 L/R,, 50 L/R, 51 L/R,52 L/R, 54 L/R
747 or smaller 49M,50,51M,52M,53,54M
More waves of stands in V7.9
Any pilots with parking issues are very gratefully received, off-centre line issues or tweaks i need to make to the stop points do let me know..
Just left red light visible - Too far to left
Just right red light visible - Too far to right
Both red lights visible/flickering. Green and orange bars visible= dead center
AS the aircraft gets closer to stop point the size of the orange/green bars reduces and the red bar becomes visible.
When the green/orange bars disappear, means STOP