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Sukhoi SU-15F for FS2004


Russian fighter 60s. Available with 3 repaints. Very enjoyable to fly.

The Sukhoi Su-15 (NATO code Flagon) is an all-weather interceptor with long range developed by the USSR in the 1960s. Built about 1300 copies, the Su-15 has been in service from 1967 to 1996. Its latest development, the Su-15TM, Su-21 is designated by some Western sources although it seems that Soviets have never used this designation.

The Su-15 is known to be the author of two shots against civilian aircraft during the Cold War: Flight 902 in 1978 (balance: 2 dead, 10 wounded) and the Flight 007 in 1983 (record: 269 victims). (Wikipedia)
  • Rating
    (8 votes)
  • Size 10.3 MB

  • Downloads 8 526

  • License Freeware external

  • VC3D Virtual Cockpit

  • Sukhoi SU-15F is compatible with FS2004 only

  • Author : Model: Brett Hoskins Textures: Mike Mahat (suite dans readme)

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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