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De Havilland DHC5 Buffalo Forces Canadiennes FSX


This powerful twin turboprop is used as both a carrier and aircraft search and rescue. The rear ramp opens to air drop position and ground.
Function loading / unloading.
Complete package for FSX, panel, VC and custom sounds. Complete model flight animation, including animation crew.

Compatible with Acceleration/SP2.

An add-on "frame rate friendly", that is to say, perfect for small graphics configurations, because everyone knows that FSX is (too) applicant.
Capable of performing multiple tasks as mentioned above, this aircraft will fit in your shed.
  • Rating
    (20 votes)
  • Size 16.2 MB

  • Downloads 19 785

  • License Freeware external

  • VC3D Virtual Cockpit

  • FormatPort-Over - Not compatible P3Dv4+

  • De Havilland DHC5 Buffalo Forces Canadiennes FSX is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX (all versions)

  • Author : Premier Aircraft Design

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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