Luscombe 8A Silvaire - Classic Wings FSX
The Luscombe Model 8 was one of those classics in aviation that was recognized for its nice lines, good performance, and excellent flying characteristics from its inception 1n 1938. A two-place side-by-side aeroplane, the Model 8A was re-marketed shortly after World War II with the intention of fulfilling the “aeroplane-in-every-garage” ideal for small aviation cruise trips and remember the good times. Notice to collectors.
This aircraft has all the usual animations, dynamic shine, custom virtual cockpit and clickable, custom sounds and many other surprises...
Model converted to native FSX with permission of Lynn & Bill Lyons
- Rating
Size 9.3 MB
Downloads 8 682
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Luscombe 8A Silvaire - Classic Wings FSX is compatible with FSX-Steam and FSX-SP2
Author : Bill Lyons, Craig Richardson