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Handley-Page Victor for FSX and P3D & for FS2004


Great add-on for FSX and P3D or FS2004, complete package, VC +  custom gauges + models + custom sound + complete animation + 3 REF & CHECK + 3 Air Force repaint. A must have !

The Handley Page Victor was a British HP.80 strategic bomber. With the Avro Vulcan and the Vickers Valiant, he was part of the trio of V-Bombers, including the United Kingdom launched the development in 1947. Last of the three to have been put into service, it was used as a tanker aircraft until early 1990.

  • Rating
    (14 votes)
  • Size 18.7 MB

  • Downloads 19 150

  • License Freeware external

  • VC3D Virtual Cockpit

  • Format Native FSX / P3D format

  • Auto-install Installer version 10.5

  • Handley-Page Victor is compatible with Prepar3D v1 up to Prepar3D v5 and FSX-Steam and FSX (toute versions) as well as FS2004

  • Author : Alphasim/Virtavia

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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