Private Boeing 727-31 for FSX and P3D
The Boeing 727-31 registered N908JE is the only one 727-31 transformed into a private jet and belonging to the company JEGE INC in the USA.
Complete add-on based on the superb 3D model of TDS (Tenkuu Developers Studio) and the fantastic virtual cockpit of Thomas Ruth. Includes with FMC, authentic sounds for Boeing 727-100, Ground Handling, Call out and V-Speed gauge.
Rare video of the N908JE:
- Rating
Size 98.7 MB
Downloads 20 903
License Freeware
VC3D Virtual Cockpit
Format Native FSX / P3D format
Auto-install Installer version 10.5
Private Boeing 727-31 is compatible with Prepar3D v1 up to Prepar3D v5 and FSX-Steam as well as FSX (all versions)
Author : Model by TDS Tenkuu Developers Studio, VC by Thomas Ruth, texture by Josue Rafael, Sound by Adam Murphy. Custom pack by Rikoooo