Grand Paradis Italy - Photoreal for FSX and P3D
Very nice scenery with LOD11 mesh (elevation) made by Rikoooo. The scenery consists of the HD Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy and its surroundings.
Gran Paradiso is a summit of western Italian Alps located between the provinces of Valle d'Aosta and Turin. Its altitude is 4061 meters. It is part of the Gran Paradiso massif which is the highest and the only one to exceed 4000 m. He is renowned as one of the 4000 Alpine more accessible. It often serves as the first ascent climbing beginners.
The Val d'Aosta is also called "Great wall" or "Mont Iseran, while in Piedmont is also known as" Monte del broglio "

Additional information can be found in your "Start menu -> Add-ons Rikoooo -> Grand Paradis Italy - Photoreal FSX & P3D"
The installation is 100% automated by Rikoooo, the configurator will handle for you the registration and activation of the scenery in Flight Simulator. When uninstalling, the installer will restore your configuration of origin.
Caution large file 377 MB, it is recommended to use a download accelerator software to pause and resume at the point of arrest to have no surprises (eg FlashGet).
Important, how to use the scenery ? Start a flight, then during the game open the map and enter one of the GPS adress below to move directly your aircraft to the most interesting points:
Grand Paradis National Park - Photoreal
Transcribe exactly the coordinates as shown below :
N44°31 20
E7°15 45
You can also take your flight from the airport of Aosta (LIMW) and then go to the Gran Paradiso National Park as shown by the green line below

Below here are two important point, the first is the LOD11 ie the Mesh (elevation) the rmap shows the area considered by the mesh, beyond this zone, the default FSX & P3D mesh will resume its place .
In the yellow circle that is the area of photo-realistic textures of the Gran Paradiso National Park, considered by the scenery. Beyond that, the default textures in FSX & P3D will show again.

- Rating
Size 380 MB
Downloads 25 215
License Freeware
Auto-install Installer Scenery v11
Grand Paradis Italy - Photoreal is compatible with Prepar3D v1 and FSX-Steam as well as FSX (all versions)
Author : Frank Dainese, Mesh LOD11 by Rikoooo