Impossible to login, even with correct username and password, what is the solution ?
We bring a lot of changes and improvements, this is why it can sometimes happen that login function isn't working anymore. This is due to some changes on our server which isn't yet reflected on your side.To resolve this, simply remove the cookies linked with your session on Rikoooo. You can do this automatically by following this link: https://www.rikoooo.com/fr/forum/user/delete_cookies You will be asked in French if you want to remove the cookies, click "Oui". You are done. Now you can try to login. Then click on this link https://www.rikoooo.com/board to get the website back to English.
If you still get an error message (more than twice) trying to login after the above solution, then you have probably forgotten your login information.
There are tools you can use to get back access to your account:
I’ve forgotten my password
I’ve forgotten my username
If you still can’t access your account, contact us so that we can make the necessary modifications: Contact us.
on Thursday June 25