Download Lockheed Martin for FSX and P3D
Download Lockheed Martin for FSX and P3D
This fabulous package includes 2 native FSX aircraft (passenger and cargo) with a total of two liveries; An Air Spray T-481 livery for the L-188C (AT) and a Conair T-60 livery for the L-188C (F). These two liveries were created by Nicholas Mitchell. All in 4K textures.
Wonderful add-on converted to work perfectly with FSX and P3D, modeling by Kirk Olsson is remarkable. This model (Viper) comes with 22 textures and 4 models. Afterburner effect and animated parts are present, custom sounds, gauges, virtual cockpit, HUD, 2D Panel.
ALPHA Simulation C-130 Hercules à l'origine conçu pour FS2004 ayant été retravaillé et adapté pour FSX/P3D. Inclus avec des nouveaux sons, nouveaux VC pour le pont d'envol, fenêtres pop-up multiple, etc

Full package for FSX/SP2 (DX9 graphics), custom 2D and VC panels with HUD, & Garmin avionics. Custom sound, fully animated parts, realistic flight model. Four liveries included - USAF, USCG, RAF and U.S. Marines Blue Angels support aircraft. By Jean-Pierre Brisard and Bob May - Premier Aircraft Design.