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TDS Boeing 787-8 GE for FS2004

fs9 2015-10-06 00-29-17-44
fs9 2015-10-06 00-32-18-632
fs9 2015-10-06 00-32-58-633
fs9 2015-10-06 00-26-49-534

Very nice model of Boeing 787-8 proposed by TDS (Tenkuu Developers Studio) for FS2004, you must fly this add-on from the 2D panel (no VC) includes custom sounds, animated vehicles, animated doors, comprehensive 2D panel. This pack contains 6 repaints.

The Boeing 787, also known by his nickname Dreamliner is a long-haul aircraft. Officially launched April 26, 2004 for a commissioning in May 2008 it made its first flight December 15, 2009 and is certified on August 26, 2011. The first delivery took place 26 September 2011 the company All Nippon Airways.

This aircraft carries 210 to 330 passengers depending on the versions and configurations, and is more fuel efficient: according to the initial specifications of Boeing, a lower consumption by 20% to that of an Airbus A330 or a Boeing 777. (Wikipedia)
fs9 2015-10-06 00-27-28-39fs9 2015-10-06 00-28-04-22fs9 2015-10-06 00-28-35-49fs9 2015-10-06 00-31-10-93
  • Rating
    (19 votes)
  • Size 56.8 MB

  • Downloads 24 159

  • License Freeware external

  • VC 2D Panel Only

  • Auto-install Installer version 8

  • TDS Boeing 787-8 GE is compatible with FS2004 only

  • Author : TDS (Tenkuu Developers Studio)

  • No virus guaranteed by
    ImunifyAV Premium
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