Download Various helicopter for FSX and P3D
Download Various helicopter for FSX and P3D
The CH-46, initially introduced in 1964, is a dual rotor utility medium lift helicopter. It has seen extensive service with the USMC and USN, with over 600 airframes built.

Mil MI-6 Hook for FSX and P3D. Included in this package is a VC with a full 3D cabin and a functional 2D panel. The 2D panel, originally created by Vladimir Zhyhulskiy. The opening of the front and rear doors, rear ramp and engine hoods works. The Heli-trim is functional, it will be very valuable for your winching missions.
Great helicopter for FSX and P3D. This addon represent three variants: Military transport (russian panel). Simple passenger transport (english panel). Ambulance (Budapest Aircraft Service's HA-BGH - hungarian panel)
AgustaWestland AW139 model "Search And Rescue" (SAR) version 2.1 beta. This model is an adaptation for FSX / P3D of AW139 created by Icaro Group. A real gem!
Here is for the first time in Freeware a beautiful Mil Mi-171 native for FSX / P3D with virtual cockpit. Prepar3D v4 compatible. The VC here is the Mil Mi-8T created by Airfilips. The cockpit of the Mi-8T is similar to the cockpit of the Mil Mi-171.
An amazing add-on for FSX and Prepar3D 64bits of the AgustaWestland AW139 helicopter. This versatile machine is used by many countries in a military, governmental or civilian context.
Helicopter complete and native FSX / P3D, MDLX materials and animations, included with 9 repaints, custom sounds, cabin and VC in 3D, effects and animations.
Complete helicopter Virtavia's FSX freeware EH101 Merlin reworked for FSX and Prepar3D

The package features a corrected and completed new VC and 2D panel