Boeing 747-300 Mega Package Vol.4 for FSX and P3D
Boeing 747-300 Mega Package Volume 4
Here is the Boeing 747 in all its forms divided into 8 great packages extremely detailed. This volume contains 20 repaints of high quality divided according to their model. Included with real and custom sounds for each type of engine. A great add-on for fans of 747.
Models and Virtual Cockpit :
Includes 13 Boeing 747-300 models which divide into the different engine options (General Electric, Rolls-Royce and Pratt & Whitney) and their variants (-300, -300M & -300SF).
This volume does not contain a Virtual Cockpit (VC) due to the models being FS2004 native and not FSX.
List of repaints :
- Boeing 747-300: (16 liveries)
- Ansett Australia / Japan Air Lines (3 liveries) / Japan Asia Airways / Project Opensky Livery / Pullmantur Air
- South African Airways (7 liveries) / Thai International Airways / VARIG
- Boeing 747-300M: (3 liveries)
- Singapore Airlines / VARIG (2 liveries)
- Boeing 747-300SF: (1 livery)
- Southern Air Cargo
An aircraft.cfg file, edited from top to bottom, many bugs fixed (including those of weight and fuel which reduced the performance of the aircraft) and 23 extra views as usual for having a better experience.
The Project Opensky 747, contains a Ground Service Unit (GSU) service which Iis liked a lot. For more instructions to activate it, read the Readme file.

List of all volumes available for download :
- Boeing 747-100 Mega Package Vol.1 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-200 Mega Package Vol.2 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-200 Mega Package Vol.3 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-300 Mega Package Vol.4 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-400 Mega Package Vol.5 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-400 Mega Package Vol.6 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-8XX Mega Package Vol.7 FSX & P3D
- Boeing 747-XXX Mega Package Vol.8 FSX & P3D
- Rating
Size 100 MB
Downloads 22 116
License Freeware
VC 2D Panel Only
FormatPort-Over - Not compatible P3Dv4+
Auto-install Installer version 2
Boeing 747-300 Mega Package Vol.4 is compatible with Prepar3D v1 and FSX-Steam as well as FSX-SP2
Author : Project Opensky, Mike Maarse, Devyn Silverstein, Repack by Luis Quintero